Sesuvium portulacastrum
Prostate, much branched herb. ocassionally
creeping on the muddy frequently tidal inundated slopes of saline habitats
Tap roots are poorly developed, adventitious
roots developed from the nodes, fleshy, shiny, spongy , nodes jointed
and easily separated, pink, short erect branching, mid zone of the internodes
slightly swollen, while node indistinctly grooved.
Leaves simple, opposite, thick, fleshy,
oblong to lanceolate, entire, acute, angled
Inflorescence cyme at axis, ebracteate,
complete, bisexual, regular, pedicellate
Sepals 5, polysepalous, rosaceous, inferior,
imbricate, persistent, elliptic, entire, acute,mid portion thick, terminated
into mucronate tip
Corolla absent
Stamens numerous, free, filament flattened
at the base, basifixed, exerted
Carpels 2, syncarpous, ovary superior,
ovoid, whitsh green, soft, glabrous, 3 chambered, style 3, 0.4 cm long,
terminal, soft, whitish, stigma 0
Fruit a capsule, 1 cm long and 1.5 cm
diam. with persistent calyx.